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Call Me…

Throughout my life, I’ve called upon God through many of my troubles. Admittedly, some of those troubles have been of my own making, while others have been completely outside of my control. I’ve always thought that it’s a very good thing that God doesn’t distinguish between the troubles that we deserve and those that we don’t deserve.
Call Me... Psalm 50:15

Call on Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you,
and you will honor me. – Psalm 50:15

“Call me, and we’ll do lunch.”

Or “Call me when you have a minute to talk.”

“Call me if there’s anything you need.”

For our family and me, from mid-year 2018 through 2019, our faith has been tested through several challenges and tragic events both in our immediate and extended families.

How often do we say these words to a family member a friend, or have heard them ourselves?

“Call me.” Two little words that we offer up quickly, almost without significance. Words that have become so commonplace in our language that we barely give them a second thought.

But when God tells us to call upon Him, He means it. God means for us to call out His name. He longs for us to lean in closer, tell Him our troubles, and bend his ear. Scripture tells us that God stands ready to deliver us from our problems or at least safely deliver us through them.

If you’ve visited my website over the past six months, you might have noticed that things have looked wonky until recently.

The problem occurred during a planned website migration to a new website host.

Everyone has difficult years –

As a Christian, I’ve known from a very young age that God listens to us when we call upon Him. He has shown that He does listen to my troubles many times. Still, even knowing that all I need to do is call upon God in times of trouble. Sometimes, I forget, thinking I can fix things on my own.

Without going into the details of all that has happened, I believe in my heart that everything happens for a reason, and I’m convinced that what happened with my website was only part of God’s plan to pull me closer to Him, our family, and my purpose.

The Bible tells us that as far as God is concerned, we are all His children. He loves us and wants to help us in any way he can. And, while he doesn’t always choose to fix things in the blink of an eye or the snap of His fingers, we can be assured that He will see us through our troubles to the other side by a smoother path than we would travel without Him. He’s waiting to help us. All we have to do is call.

Although insignificant to anything else that’s happened over the past year and a half, the problem with my website was the proverbial matchstick that broke the camel’s back. It spiraled me into various questions and emotions, from anger and frustration to the fear of moving forward.

And then, I prayed.

I called on God, praying for the return of joy in the lives of others in my family and a renewed joy in life for myself.

Praying for our family’s strength to make it through our troubles.

For my own strength and for God to reveal a path forward.

I prayed for God to shine His light on his purpose for me.

And, as my prayers unfolded, the more I called upon God for His help in my troubles, I found amazing renewed energy and new confidence in how to move forward past all my problems.

I’m Proud to Announce that GfreeDeliciously is Finally Back!

It’s back with a renewed energy and a purpose better than I’d ever dreamed possible. Just one week short of my six-month goal of being caught up to where I remember my site before that fateful afternoon on July 24, 2019, my site is now back!

If you’re curious about what I learned after my website moved to a new host, CHECK OUT THIS POST.

Through it all, I’ve taken this opportunity to update and polish how everything looks and added some new excellent features.

New site features:

  • You can now become a VIP Site Member of the GfreeDeliciously website, and it’s FREE!
  • When you become a site member and login, you can quickly save your favorite recipes (and ingredients!) and find them in your account. You can also save groups of recipes into your private collections and then generate a shopping list for them. Your account can be used for collecting all your favorites, meal planning, and much more, allowing you easy access to everything saved from multiple devices.
  • Look at the new resource page, the Books I Love. I hope you’ll enjoy the titles I share that have changed my life in one way or another.
  • Another new addition is the Affiliate Directory. I’ve wanted to offer the readers of GfreeDeliciously a place to shop and link to the products and companies I’ve grown to love and carefully curated companies offering 100 percent safe gluten-free products. Partners who’ve agreed to work with GfreeDeliciously and join our family of trusted affiliates! I hope the Affiliate Directory will grow into a trusted resource you’ll love!
  • When you become a member by subscribing to our email list, you’ll soon begin receiving exclusive offers and unique opportunities from the list of companies in our Affiliate Directory. As a dynamic area, the suggestions and products will be updated regularly. Please stick with me and come back often to see the new updates and recommendations that will appear on this page.

I’ve got several exciting new additions in the coming weeks and months. I’m super anxious and excited to bring you the latest blog articles and features to inspire you to live healthy from the inside out.


Live Fully Nourished @GfreeDeliciously

The "Sweet Spot" where
Delicious, Gluten-Free, and Healthy Meet!

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Topic: Monday Motivation

After praying about the many facets of GfreeDeliciously and asking for God’s guidance in what to spend my time and energy on, the Lord spoke to my heart, encouraging me to share my faith and His love through some of my writings, contemplations, and thoughts from my journals from over the years.

I’m so excited to offer these thoughts, prayers, and devotions to help inspire your daily Christian life on this new page called Monday Motivation.

In the Prayers & Promises posts, I’ll share my handful of stories along with the stories and testimonies about others and their families. People who have overcome gluten-related health battles. Learn what stopped them from enjoying their life. Discover what moved them beyond limiting beliefs and how faith in God helped them gain confidence and freedom to regain their health and vitality!

Share your story, too!

I have a handful of selected experiences to share, but I want to hear YOUR stories, too!

Share how God has touched your life regarding health-related issues due to celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and gut and digestion problems.  Explain how He has given you guidance and strength to live a healthy lifestyle for you and your family. I would love to hear it!

If you have a story that encourages others, please prayerfully consider sharing it. You can email me at ky*******@gf**************.com, and I will send you more details.

Monday Motivation Prayers & Promises focuses on how God has helped you overcome the challenges of gluten and gut-related health battles.

Planning for the future:

Later this Spring, I’ll launch a new series called Monday Motivation Devotionals. I hope to have them appear regularly. The devotional readings will help you experience an intimate connection to the heavenly Father with brief thoughts, questions designed to get you thinking, scripture, and prayer. I aim for readers to enhance their spiritual journey through the shared contemporary stories and learn how deeply and tenderly God loves and cares for each of us.

Please know that these stories, thoughts, prayers, and devotions are not meant to pump up or bring praise to myself, my business, or GfreeDeliciously; they are simply a way to encourage and empower others to give glory to God!

Wellness Wednesday

Site subscribers will also find a new Wellness Wednesday page with links to my new video chat schedule beginning later this year, video playbacks to recorded and live segments, and links for downloading wellness goodies each month.

My Invitation To You

Before I close, I invite you to join me in praising the name of Jesus and share how He has called you to overcome what you’ve faced with His help. Join me in using your stories to encourage and inspire others in spiritual and physical health. I believe that in doing this, sharing our powerful testimonies, great and mighty things will happen in this world and all around us. The Bible tells us to share what He has done. To exalt His name by singing songs of praise, “Sing to the Lord. For he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world.” (Isaiah 12:5)

Many Thanks!

As a final note, please know that I genuinely appreciate it when you share the posts, recipes, and emails from GfreeDeliciously with your family, friends, and others. Thanks so much for sticking with me and spreading the humble messages.

Many thanks to everyone who continues to lift me up in their prayers and encourage me daily. I appreciate all my subscribers, family, friends, and others who have been here for me, have called and checked on my family since the beginning, and continue supporting my chosen path. You know who you are.

God Bless You!



Be among the first to know whenever I publish something new. Follow me on Substack, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook to join me in the “Sweet Spot” where delicious, gluten-free, and healthy meet!

Know Thyself… Choose Thyself… Be Curious About Thyself… Make Shift Happen !

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Simple and delicious gluten-free recipes, family-friendly meal ideas, healthy cooking, encouragement, and easy-to-implement lifestyle strategies to live fully nourished… Only from GfreeDeliciously!

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