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Introducing the
Not Your Ordinary Book Club...



THIS IS AN ONLINE (Gluten-Free & Wellness) COOKBOOK CLUB!!

The club definitely does involve books, and it might even feel a tiny bit ‘Book Clubby-ish,’ but believe me when I tell you, this is altogether different from any book club you’ve ever experienced…

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If it's Not A Regular Sort of Book Club, What Is It?

GfreeCookbook Club is a free, quarterly gathering of home cooks and me, Kymberley, the publisher of GfreeDeliciously, for a short book and online recipe talk over on my Substack, where I share and discuss popular cookbook and wellness book selections offering gluten-free recipes.

I talk about the book and a recipe (or two, and maybe more) that I’ve enjoyed from the book. You’ll discover what I find interesting, and for paid members of the club, I post a favorite recipe I’ve made from the cookbook.

Everyone is encouraged to make a dish (or more) from each book choice; if they own it, then connect through private Notes (only for paid members), where they can comment about the selection, the recipe I’ve posted, or to discuss the book in a dedicated thread. Inside Notes, members can post photos of what they made, ask questions, and share their triumphs and sometimes messy, imperfect cooking journeys.

The “GfreeCookbookClub” membership is free for everyone to join and follow along without feeling like they “must” participate in the social aspect of Notes. But then you won’t get the recipe I’ve included from the selection if you’re not a paid member.

Then there’s an index of (almost) all the cookbooks I’ve discussed (present and past) in GfreeDeliciously’s Cookbook Club. [This is a work in progress.] It’s the archive just for paid club members to visit and pull up the posts and recipes from past selections.

Online Cookbook Club ZOOM Gatherings
When our occasional events are scheduled, you’ll be invited to register to get in on the online club fun!

Occasional – Book & Recipe Private ZOOM Group Discussions

Online gatherings (events) are free for everyone in the club, still, we’ll need members to register to get the login details for the ZOOM gathering, enter the giveaway, and for receiving any late-breaking updates or special offers for club members.

Count me in !

Create Your FREE GfreeDeliciously Pass Member Account to Access GfreeCookbook Club Downloads and Club Member Extras!

* A Note for Existing Account Members: To sign up for the club, you will need to make sure you are logged out on the site, then click on the “Existing Account Tab” in the form below, and log back in with your username and password to sign up.

The INVESTMENT – A Commitment to Read, Learn about New Recipes, and Show Up for Some Gfree Cooking FUN !!


Welcome newbie! I’m so happy you’re here.

Online Show & Tell is just that – In the private Substack Notes during the book selection and beyond, you’ll be able to connect with other participants to see and read about what they are making. You can post questions, share photos from a recipe you’ve made from the book, or anything else about your cooking or reading experience. Of course, we know you’ll always keep things on a positive note:)

Together, we’ll unwrap several individual and collective recipes and nuggets the book elicits. Ultimately, the notes will be what everyone makes of it, with everyone in the notes group ‘Showing’ what they made and ‘Telling’ a bit of how it all went.

Because the club is relatively small, it guarantees that everyone here is seen and heard. We aim for rich cooking, sharing connections, and engaging experiences instead of dipping toes into the waters of anonymity, right-or-wrongs, or what-ifs. You won’t be asked to show and tell all, but you will be asked to show and tell some.

LIVE ZOOM GATHERING means that you can join the scheduled online gathering events virtually through the ZOOM computer desktop or mobile app. After you RSVP (sign up) for the LIVE ZOOM event gathering, we’ll send you an email and a few event reminders with the Meeting ID, Password, and a link to connect and join the pre-scheduled event. 

When you connect for the gathering, be sure to turn your audio and video on so that others will be able to hear you and see your smiling face.

And if you’re really, really excited to ‘Show & Tell’ during a particular live gathering, there is also an option when you RSVP to guarantee your spot so that you get to do it! (BUT-just to be fair, we reserve the right to limit how often you can buy a guaranteed spot.)

Again, keeping these virtual gatherings relatively small guarantees that each person here is seen and heard during the event – we’re aiming for rich cooking and sharing connections and engaging experiences instead of dipping toes into the waters of anonymity, right-or-wrongs, or what-ifs. So you don’t need to show and tell all, but you can show and tell some.

Books are not included in the club. You’re encouraged to purchase them or check reserves at your local library or bookstore lending program, but you can always just read, listen, and make any recipe posts shared through the club.

All selected titles will be announced a minimum of one month before upcoming books are scheduled for posting and can be previewed on the website before RSVP-ing (signing up) for any upcoming Cookbook Club gathering. In other words, you’ll know everything in advance. For October – December books, scroll back up on this page to see them listed in the pink box. January – June is currently TBA.

Two words – Breath. Love ♥

Have you ever made a recipe and had it turn out better the umpteenth time making it than it did the first?

And… have you ever read a gluten-free book that way?

And… have you ever read a cookbook and then read it and cooked through it with a group of people and a personal guide for the book, leading the way in applying it to your life?

‘Nuff said.

No, but MAYBE you’ll want to! 

On reading

We cover one book each month. That means the max amount of reading in a single week works out to about 50 – 75 pages… in other words, seven to 10 pages a day… or roughly perusing three to six recipes will get ya’ there if you’re going to read the whole book, but you don’t have to read everything. So feel free to skip around and to read only what interests you the most.

On Cooking

Our mission for the Gfree Cookbook Club is to introduce you to tried and tested, gluten-free recipes so that if you want to make something that looks or sounds good to you, you can make it.

Because we’re motivated to provide our readers and club members with gluten-free information and recipes they can trust, we focus on popular cookbooks and wellness selections written by authors who will expand your knowledge about gluten-free foods you can eat, recipes you can make, and living your best life Gfree.

Whether you make the recipes or not – it’s up to you!

NO. Because we’re not just reading. We’re cooking, reading, and trying new things to spread our wings. We’re making new recipes, reading, note-taking, thinking, processing, supporting each other, applying, reading some more, laughing ’till our sides ache, talking, and GROWING to fly higher. You will not be bored.

I tried regularly scheduled gatherings, which were much too time-consuming to do weekly or monthly, given that I’m a one-girl show.

So, here’s what you can count on.

When gathering events are planned, they will be scheduled  OCTOBER to JUNE – On the 3rd Thursday, at 6-7-ish pm CDT. 

Gathering events are free to everyone in the club, but we need members to RSVP (sign up for each event) to join the discussion during the live gathering.

Club members are encouraged to attend virtual free gatherings when scheduled (October through June). Here’s why: at its core, the Cookbook Club is a  membership club. It’s about sharing experiences and creating connections between ourselves and others, which doesn’t work when people don’t or can’t show up. This club needs active participants, present and fully engaged in the here and now, for our gatherings to thrive.

But if attending virtual free gatherings when they are scheduled (October through June) doesn’t work for you, and you aren’t looking for a connection with others, you’re still welcome to stick around and follow along without feeling like you “must” participate in the social aspects of the club.

If you are interested in scheduled gatherings, you’ll want to create an account using the form above (scroll up) because you won’t get the gathering links and updates if you don’t.

I get it. Sometimes life happens. If you miss a scheduled gathering for a book and recipe talk, you miss a gathering. No worries. Just an FYI, though – the gatherings are not recorded and are therefore not available for replay. We’re aiming for an equitable exchange of openness and vulnerability, and I feel like access to replays takes away from that. Cool? Cool.

P.S. If you did RSVP and need to cancel you can do that on the event registration page too.

YES! You can join the gluten-free online Cookbook Club any month, anytime. The new book post schedule is in the pink box (located above) on this page.

I’m currently prepping books for the January – June 2024 schedule.

If you absolutely can’t attend any of the virtual gatherings, don’t worry! We don’t want you to miss out on these great book experiences!

The Substack posts for the books and the ability to comment on them are archived on Substack for paid subscribers to get to them.

Additionally, when you’re a site subscriber, you may feel free to download and print off the monthly book reading schedule from the website. So, save it, type, and fill it in as you go. When accessing the file from the website, you must log in and get it HERE (under the “Cookbook Club” tab). And, of course, if you decide to become a club member in the future with an RSVP to any GfreeCookbook Club event, you will also receive an email in your inbox when the file is available. 

Here's How It Works and What's Included:

First, you need to know that this Gfree Cookbook Club is 100% FREE!

When you sign up, you unlock your access to:

  • The private group online community in Notes on Substack. Where you can connect with other club members, get updates about book selections and author events, receive club-only member offers, get recipe advice, and share your experiences about triumphs and sometimes messy, imperfect cooking journeys.
  • Audio Podcast(I’m exploring this), where I share my thoughts (and an occasional exclusive one-on-one interview with the author) about what we’re learning from the book. The idea is that these recordings will help you understand and engage with the material on a deeper level.  
  • Calls to action to help you decide what to make – not just think about it!
  • Virtual ZOOM gatherings – This book and recipe talk is a beautiful opportunity to connect with like-minded souls, discuss how the book is landing for everyone, and get honest feedback about the recipes, gluten-free wellness, and life we’re all learning about. See the event schedule for specific dates and times.
  • No long-term commitment. This cookbook club intends to add real value to your life. If at any point you’re finding that it’s not, it’s easy to drop your club membership. You are also welcome to come and go based on your interest in our featured books.

New to the Club? Here’s what to expect:

  • Things get started each quarter with a welcome video from me, detailing the monthly cooking and reading plan, what to expect, and preparing everyone for heading to the kitchen;
  • Then you get a digital cookbook plan (AKA: an email that outlines a little about the monthly book, highlights from the selection we’re tackling – all pulled apart along with thought-stirring ideas for jumping into the TASTIEST and most SCRUMPTIOUS gluten-free recipes, and a few tips to support you in navigating the terrain, applying everything you’ll take away from reading and cooking from the book, and living your best Gfree life along the way);
  • Connect in the Substact Notes online community to interact with other cookbook club members. It’s an online Show & Tell and commenting space—a place to participate by sharing pictures of what you make, giving tips and feedback about the recipes—what worked or what didn’t—and getting ideas, help, and support from other gluten-free cooks.
  • Access Online LIVE ZOOM Gathering Events These events will happen from time to time for a book and recipe talk (about a specific selection), where you can RSVP (sign up for each event) to be part of the live gathering. They are virtual events where you’ll hear and dig deeper into the book, maybe what other club members made, occasionally hear from the book’s author, and get honest feedback about the recipes and the gluten-free wellness and life we’re all learning about. 
  • You’ll find a community of home cooks who are cookbook and recipe lovers like yourself. When you become a club member, you’ll be aiming for solid connections – learning from and with, other page-loving gluten-free cooks;
  • A commitment to yourself and your NOT-so-Ordinary Gluten-Free Online Cookbook Club. When you’re in, you’re IN. Becoming a club member means attending and participating in the group throughout the club year (October through June). Seriously, you’re going to love this cookbook club!
  • And a few secret gifts and goodies along the way.

Want in the LIVE ZOOM, but all the spots are full?
Click the link below ▼

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

The “Print Recipe” link above will ONLY WORK on a recipe page.