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featured in Prayers & Promises

I hope to feature and share not only my handful of stories and testimonies but also the stories and testimonies about people and families that have overcome their gluten-related health battles. Learn what stopped them from enjoying their full life, what moved them beyond limiting beliefs, and how faith in God helped them gain confidence and freedom to regain their health and their life!

I would so love to hear YOUR story! If God has touched your life in the area of health-related issues due to celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, or gut and digestion issues, or how He has given you guidance and strength to live a healthy lifestyle for you and your family, then I would love to hear it!

If you have a story that would encourage others, I ask that you prayerfully consider sharing. You can email me at ky*******@gf**************.com , and I will send you more details.

Please note that your testimonies don’t need to relate to G-Free Deliciously. The focus for Monday Motivation Prayers & Promises is about how God has helped you overcome the challenges of gluten and gut-related health battles.

Et cetera

Call Me…

Throughout my life, I’ve called upon God through many of my troubles. Admittedly, some of those troubles have been of my own making, while others have been completely outside of my control. I’ve always thought that it’s a very good thing that God doesn’t distinguish between the troubles that we deserve and those that we don’t deserve.

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